
It’s a struggle to maintain a living while keeping your own sanity. You have to find a balance of responsibility and Freedom. Now to some the two are the same thing right? To others this is very much not the truth. Allow me to explain this the best way I can.

Being responsible is never fun and most of the time it cost more than it should to even accomplish the correct pattern for it. What is a Pattern? Best example of it would be Waking up at a steady time, getting ready for work, going to work, working, coming home, eating, relaxing for a moment, and last but not lest sleeping. Repeating this 4 – 5 days a week can become complicated on the mind to accept.  This really doesn’t account for any of the emotional content that goes into doing it.  Really it’s just the simplest way of putting things on a person. This doesn’t include family to deal with and it doesn’t factor in the excitement or depression you will account that DOES effect the pattern. Some days you will just not feel like working, or waking up but you will be forced to put that pressure on because without the patter you do not maintain your style of living or a factor for why you would want to even do it.

Now Freedom which is why we are doing the Responsible part is complicated because it holds no pattern for simplicity. Really what you do with your free time can be as complicated as you want it to be or as simple as you like it. Vacations can become better then your work day or it can be worse. However the idea of a vacation is supposed to be time to lower all that pressure that YOU WILL BUILD upon being responsible. 

Why even go over any of this? What does it have at all to do with politics? I always look around at the world and the places we are in and I often wonder how do we deal with it? How do the politicians do the things they do? Wearing those suits and fantasy hair styles always makes me wonder what goes into the day of a man who has to stand for truth and justice? Does the president of the united states ever have a second to say ” Going to play some Nintendo for an hour and after that work on our relationship with Russia?”…. does it really work like that? I would think a family man who not only is responsible for running a country  but maintaining a good relationship with everyone MUST have it hard? He must do a great deal of thinking in a day and probably has problems sleeping to just say the least? Maybe a good book will come of it..but I can’t imagine it is an easy job?

06/03/2013 day 2 reflecting day 1

So currently it’s 7:47am here in Edinburg, Texas at my brothers home. I just woke up from a good six hour sleep which is really more sleep then I expected to get. My brother has built him self a very good life from what I can tell of his home. He spends about the same amount of money I do on my apartment, only he has two bed rooms, a living room, two bathrooms, two cars, and kitchen with a few closest.

New York is without a doubt screwing me with Taxes, and bs of that sort but honestly I knew it when I moved back. It amazes me how in the united states the value of a dollar goes from high to low depending just on what state your in. If I could make the money I am now at the job I have back home I could probably have a great deal more in this part of America. Yet I digress and come to the understanding that is how it works in the world I suppose. The rich get richer, the poor stay dead.

Either way Texas is not at all what I THOUGHT it would be. The weather was beautiful on day one, and really this state I can officially say you NEED TO DRIVE IN. It took a good three hours to get from the airport to his home. The Roads are long and running out of gas I came to the conclusion all to quickly is not an option out here. YOU WOULD BE ROYALLY SCREWED OTHER WISE. The desert isn’t what I expected either. Lots of grass, and trees, not sand and tumble weed like I thought it would be. The city I was in “San Antonio”  was very beautiful also, with river walks, and lots of places to shop around it really did surprise me.

From the Airport we walked around the area that held both a River walk and the Alamo. It was pretty epic how well things turned out but god help anyone who drinks in that area. To many spots to fall in the river and I don’t even want to think about how that would turn out. Either way I have learned several things that I THINK should be pointed out here.

To begin with it’s an oil state…which means Gas is RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP compared to New york. New York gas is about 340 – 405 on gas, this state the highest I seen was 320 but it got as low as 208.. AMAZING! From what my brother tells me also no one pays Income tax here and for a state that NO ONE pays income tax in I must say the up keep is AMAZING. Its a very very clean state, very organized, and very well kept from what I can tell. The only funny thing I noticed is that many places along the roads are abandoned. According to my brother it’s cheaper to just leave a spot and do nothing with it then to try to rebuild. So I can assume that’s what many people in this state do. They just rebuild all over the place and really it doesn’t surprise me because this place is FULL of Open space.

I am sure I will learn more today. So far a great vacation and an eye opening view on how the states are different. Government is a funny thing!