
It’s a struggle to maintain a living while keeping your own sanity. You have to find a balance of responsibility and Freedom. Now to some the two are the same thing right? To others this is very much not the truth. Allow me to explain this the best way I can.

Being responsible is never fun and most of the time it cost more than it should to even accomplish the correct pattern for it. What is a Pattern? Best example of it would be Waking up at a steady time, getting ready for work, going to work, working, coming home, eating, relaxing for a moment, and last but not lest sleeping. Repeating this 4 – 5 days a week can become complicated on the mind to accept.  This really doesn’t account for any of the emotional content that goes into doing it.  Really it’s just the simplest way of putting things on a person. This doesn’t include family to deal with and it doesn’t factor in the excitement or depression you will account that DOES effect the pattern. Some days you will just not feel like working, or waking up but you will be forced to put that pressure on because without the patter you do not maintain your style of living or a factor for why you would want to even do it.

Now Freedom which is why we are doing the Responsible part is complicated because it holds no pattern for simplicity. Really what you do with your free time can be as complicated as you want it to be or as simple as you like it. Vacations can become better then your work day or it can be worse. However the idea of a vacation is supposed to be time to lower all that pressure that YOU WILL BUILD upon being responsible. 

Why even go over any of this? What does it have at all to do with politics? I always look around at the world and the places we are in and I often wonder how do we deal with it? How do the politicians do the things they do? Wearing those suits and fantasy hair styles always makes me wonder what goes into the day of a man who has to stand for truth and justice? Does the president of the united states ever have a second to say ” Going to play some Nintendo for an hour and after that work on our relationship with Russia?”…. does it really work like that? I would think a family man who not only is responsible for running a country  but maintaining a good relationship with everyone MUST have it hard? He must do a great deal of thinking in a day and probably has problems sleeping to just say the least? Maybe a good book will come of it..but I can’t imagine it is an easy job?


So the New Year has come and gone and already the effect of what is going on in the Government can be felt every place! New Insurance policies go into effect, Minimum Wage here in New York goes up by 75 cents, and over all if your job hasn’t adjusted things it officially is screwing you AS OF TODAY.

It’s a new world to play in and really the excuses as to why your life is the way it is have become completely obsolete. If you don’t have insurance it’s either cause you don’t have a job, or you want to complain about your options given. So to begin with I will start with that! I understand that the system was broken to get on Healthcare.gov but people are doing it. It takes time “that shouldn’t be true” but it can be done and ITS IMPORTANT! This is coming from a guy who currently is sick “nothing serious” but I would rather have something to cover me then not. Best example! Recently I could have spent between 25 – 60 $ on the shot but MY JOB provided me with it for free. So over all I understand that the change has worked for me. It might not work for those not willing to do the foot work but it does work for those who can.

I think that one of the most annoying things about “People” Today is that they aren’t willing to fill out the paper work. Aren’t willing to go sit in the waiting room for the Interview. Honestly I can’t think of a single person who has tried to make something of themselves and lost in the processes. Maybe said people haven’t gotten a job but they haven’t lost from the experience of trying. They learned how to build a proper Resume, how to Interview better, how to reevaluate the current life situation. Advances that haven’t been possible before because THE SOURCES weren’t set up for it. Now we have programs to help, and we can properly make things progress.

Things  Have Changed…DO THE FOOT WORK!


You know what the biggest problem we have is in this and most parts of the world. Everything is built to stop you from wanting to progress. The best example of this is are Resources in Food, Exerise, and just General LIving. Most food today isn’t produced from real products but from eneginnered quality “Factory” Produced Chemicals made to last longer. Most natural products don’t las t that long but because of the due dates getting further and further along we are now capable of charging more for a product with less quality involved in it.  Try reading the label of your favorite chips, candy, or even meat, Dairy Product chances are more is in it then you think.
One of the most almaring examples of this was when I attempted to find Ice cream. Appartnely 5 out of 6 companies didn’t use any cream, Milk, or real indgrediants. Most of what built up the ice cream “while tastey” was all chemically combined substances. What concerns me isn’t that I am putting the stuff in my body but what the stuff would do when it was sitting in there.
Yet we wonder why we gain so much weight and can’t lose it however most salads are also in the same field as the ice cream. Sprayed with chemicals and all sorts of growth hormonies. Honestly it makes me very frightened to think about what my children “in the future” will be eating. I already know most of the products aren’t real now how much worse will it get then?
Exerises is a big part of my week in general. I spend at least a good 8 to 6 hours attempting to get my body into shape. So far I can honestly say I am in better shape now then I ever have been my entire past life.  Lots of running and weight trainning is what generally makes me happy. I don’t like the feeling of ever feeling weak which is pretty funny considering a good part of my week i spend sleeping “probably about 40 – 42 hours” Which is really bad considering the average person is SUPPOSED to sleep 56 hours a week.  However I also do spend from 32- 45 hours a week working “not counting cleaning, cooking, laundry, and shopping”  So let’s do the numbers here..
Hours in a solid week 168
Work  Between 32- 45 hours a week..
Sleep between 40 – 42 hours a week…
Laundry can take any place between 2 to 4 hours to do…
Cooking 7 hours a week
Working out 8 hours  a week…
plus Cleaning, and shopping..  which can take between 4 – 7 hours a week..
Leaves about 75 hours to pretty much sit around and write, eat, play video games, and pretty much figure out what to do with the rest of my time…. and this is only on a good week.. on a bad week it leaves me with 55 hours … so on average we can say between 55 – 75 hours a week I spend for myself.. Which realy isn’t bad..but isn’t that great either..
this leaves about 7 hours in a day on a bad week and about 10 hours a day to do ..nothing..
So over all in 24 hours the average plan would be to sleep 6 hours, work 8, Laundry would be 2 hours, cooking another 1 hour, cleaning another 1 hours, not counting eating and showering which will probably take up another 2 hours..which over all leaves 4 hours to do nothing in a single day..
I don’t know if this is healthy or not but I know on an average day this is all part of the necessary steps to just live..
I think I need a vacation… goodness..