
This has become one of the most difficult sections to keep up to date. You would think it’s easy because it’s about politics and what not. For a guy who really doesn’t like to talk about the topic and really doesn’t have much to say about what is going on I have some how managed to look around me and say nothing. In some aspects it says something about me as a writer. It says that either I AM NOT observant enough about how people are changing or it says that I have become numb to how people are changing.

Now don’t get me wrong I want to greet people and say have hope that this will all work out. I want to say we will survive past the politics and the bullshit but if and or how I say that statement it becomes and feels very much like a lie! I think back to something like thirty years ago to the point that I was born. Now of course at that time you didn’t need much to get a good job. You needed will power and practice. If you wanted to become a carpenter, a programmer, a cook or really just about anything all you needed was practice in the field. They had entry points and low level jobs that you worked up the field to get.  Now of course you had a point that you couldn’t get past but it was progressive. You could just walk up to a site and say I want to do this how do I get in? Someone could point the way and poof you went off running.

Today that point becomes college and while I would love to say that it’s still fair and it still works I know from experience that it doesn’t. College cost lots of money and right from the second you finish the required grades 1 – 12 you instantly have to sign papers and agree to contracts that put you in debt to if you are a lucky from 5 – 40 years after you sign them. Now of course you can right from school get a job. You can go to a million agencies and get taught about topics like security, Medical care and so on but if you aren’t particular about how you do it you don’t get anything from it.  Plus nine times out of ten those jobs require you pay for the class with money you don’t have so you lean towards again.. having debt.. those jobs also don’t pay very well either but that’s another topic entirely.

See I have never had a direction for any of it but with my past being the way it is you would think a guy like me would be in a better spot. I am a hard working guy who has never called out of work a day in his life. If I was set up to a time I WAS at the job at that time. I did the best I could with what I had and I never really complained about any of it because in my eyes fate is funny. Sure drama comes from life but really I have always been good at pushing it away and saying I do my job, I am here, what more can I really ask for? Now if we come to that position that I am currently in “the spot that I am making less now than when I started” it’s not progress and it does feel like someone is pulling me down rather than up.

Of course people will look at my job and say well it’s a shitty job you should get something better.. YOU DESERVE IT!.. but what most people don’t put into account is that the motion of high school started the day after I finished. I made mistakes that put me in debt and that debt will forever be held under the pride that it was a learning experience. It’s not a great deal of debt but enough for me to force myself to say “O.K. Well if I miss a payment I am screwed and my inner demons will never allow that!”

No one speaks for a guy like me but me. I work, enjoy my time when I can,  and try very hard to adjust for everything. Politics “getting back on topic” is hard to write about because in a time that presents so much to people who work who really has the time to sit around and ask?